Welcome to the Coop Kitty PURRSIDENTIAL Election!
Who will WIN? Your Votes will decide the winner!
Who will WIN? Your Votes will decide the winner!
We are having another FUN FUNdraiser in honor of our 2nd Coopiversary which will benefit the Coop Kitty Community Kindness Fund!
ALSO, it's a great reminder for everyone to get out there and vote this November in the Presidential election!
If you are 18 and over, please make sure you are registered to vote!
ALSO, it's a great reminder for everyone to get out there and vote this November in the Presidential election!
If you are 18 and over, please make sure you are registered to vote!
The COOP KITTIES are having an election this year too, to decide who will be PURRSIDENT!
How will the winner be decided? By VOTES of course! Who gets to vote? YOU DO - OUR COOP KITTY COMMUNITY!
COOP, ROOF and SADIE are running for PURRSIDENT and need your vote to choose a winner! Of course the three will have
running mates for Vice Purrsident AND they have Purrsidential "promises/views" to make it even harder to choose who to vote for!
How will the winner be decided? By VOTES of course! Who gets to vote? YOU DO - OUR COOP KITTY COMMUNITY!
COOP, ROOF and SADIE are running for PURRSIDENT and need your vote to choose a winner! Of course the three will have
running mates for Vice Purrsident AND they have Purrsidential "promises/views" to make it even harder to choose who to vote for!
1. Daily Free Vote 2. Donation 3. Tee Shirt Sale
You have a daily free vote from now through November 5th!
Come back once per day to cast your vote for PURRSIDENT! The leaderboard will be updated weekly thru November!
Come back once per day to cast your vote for PURRSIDENT! The leaderboard will be updated weekly thru November!